Enrollment Process
This is what you need to know to join us! Our classes are small and in high demand, so schedule a visit now if you want a spot. Priority re-enrollment for current families runs Jan. 15-31st; open enrollment for new families begins Feb. 1st on a first come, first serve basis.
If you need to apply for financial aid, please do so prior to enrollment.
Review our website
You will get a clear sense of our vision and philosophy after you spend some time on our website. Be sure to review health and safety policies and get familiar with required gear for all-weather outdoor learning.
Family Visit Day
Schedule a visit and join us in the forest! Families should dress for the weather and plan to get a firsthand experience with forest preschool.
Enroll Online
Everything you need is available to enroll online, including our Family Agreement. A non-refundable down payment is required at time of enrollment. Your down payment will be applied to the total payment due for the program year. (Forest preschool and Forest School Co-Op enrollment is for full school year, Sept. - May unless otherwise noted.) Once you receive a confirmation, your child is officially enrolled!
Submit your forms
You will receive important documents that help us learn about your child. Make note of the "return by" date and be sure to submit them on time. Remember to carefully review our Family Handbook and note dates from our program calendar.
Gear up
Your child will need a backpack, water canteen (that doesn't leak!), and unlined nature journal. S/he will need sturdy, closed-toed shoes for hiking and an assortment of other important gear. Every child must keep an extra change of clothes at forest school. (If you need help getting gear, let us know.)
Family Orientation
Before we meet for our first class, we invite families to orientation. This is an ideal way to meet one another, preview the forest classroom and trails, and ask questions. Families also complete a special survey to help us get to know your child. Let the adventures begin!