Looking for ideas? Check out these links for outdoor gear, local homeschool resources, and family friendly places to visit.
Outdoor Gear
Polarn O. Pyret (tough outdoor gear like rain mittens, bibs, and layers)
Ella's Wool (warm wool base layers)
Cuddle Duds (warm base layers; also sold at Kohls, Macy's, Dicks Sporting Goods, etc.)
Tuffo Gear (rain gear, muddy buddies)
REI (footwear for kids like Bogs, Keen, Merrell, Kamik, Sorel, etc.)
Tot Swap (awesome local consignment sales)
Mabel's Labels (so you don't lose your kid's gear!)
Homeschool Resources
MSDE FAQ's about homeschooling
Maryland Homeschool Association
The Homeschool Mom - a thorough calendar of programs for families who are homeschooling
Family Friendly Parks and Events
(Cool)Progeny - The go-to resource for Baltimore-area families looking for something to do.
Carrie Murray Nature Center, Baltimore
Cromwell Valley Park, Parkville
Double Rock Park, Parkville
Eden Mill Nature Center, Pylesville
Irvine Nature Center, Owings Mills
Ladew Topiary Gardens, Monkton
Lilian Holt Park and Center for the Arts, Overlea
Natural History Society of Maryland, Baltimore
Oregon Ridge Nature Center, Cockeysville
Weber's Farm, Parkville